One of our goals at Lemieux Creek Ranch is to provide high quality grass fed beef offered at a fair price. While other business who offer this type of product across Canada are typically charging between $11 and $14 per pound, we strive to do our best at making this available to anyone. We also value knowing where our food comes from and what we are eating.
Pricing Information and Out of Town Delivery Options
Whole animal $8.95 per pound including inspection, processing, cut and wrap
1/2 animal(side) $9 per pound including inspection, processing, cut and wrap
1/4 animal $9.25 per pound including inspection, processing, cut and wrap
*We do have an inventory of smaller portions and cuts available which is subject to limited quantity and supply. Please Email to inquire for this option
- We do NOT charge you any taxes
- Please keep in mind that the average cost per pound of packaged meat includes steaks, roasts and ground beef. Although it looks like a lot of money, it is much less expensive than buying a comparable product by the piece or box.
- For ¼ animal there may need to be some flexibility in your cut selection compared to a whole or a half due to the fact that you will be getting some cuts from the front and some from the rear
- Please inquire if you have any questions or would like further help ordering
How we arrive at the price
We sell beef primarily by the side catering to families who want to guarantee themselves a year round supply of freezer beef.
Pricing is based on what’s known as the Hot Hanging Weight (HHW) which is the weight of the carcass after the head, insides, hide, and feet have been removed. Our price per pound is based on the HHW.
In addition to the price based on the carcass weight (what we receive) there is also the Inspection, Slaughter and Cut and Wrap fees which are based on the HHW. We are being charged a little extra to split a side. Specialty processing such as sausages and jerky is extra. Check your different specialty options HERE
Because your price is based on the carcass weight of the animal, we will not be able give you an exact total price until the animals are harvested. Generally our sides weigh between 290 and 350 lbs hanging, average about 325 lbs.
The most frequently asked question we receive is: How much packaged beef can we expect?
Sixty to 65% of the HHW goes into your freezer as packaged meat. The rest is bone and trim that is removed in processing. We use 62% of the HHW to calculate the packaged price per pound and to estimate how much beef you are putting in your freezer.
*** Please feel free to call 250-643-1654 or email with any questions.
Organ meat such as heart, kidney, liver and oxtail, is becoming more and more popular, it is usually available but not guaranteed due to an animal being split between two different people. Organ weight is added on top of the total HHW.
Delivery – we make one or two trips to the lower mainland and towns along Highways 16, 97 and 1. in October, depending on demand. There is an additional delivery charge to cover fuel costs. In November we make one delivery trip to Terrace, Kitimat and Prince Rupert with an additional delivery charge.